I took a shit the other day
it was completely average
nothing special about it.
I opened the door
and walked out into the world
had a totally mediocre conversation
with a totally normal dude.
I drove down the street
and sat at a red light
made a left and parked my car.
I went to the bar
and saw a boring band
play boring music
while I tried not to yawn.
Yeah the bar has not been set to high
because it’s easier to check out the status
of your friends on Facebook,
than it is to focus on your craft,
or anything else for that matter.
Deep thinking is over come by quick tweets
and the narcissism of me having to know what
you had to eat for dinner.
Then I met this free thinking artistic type chick
and she told me she was cool, acted like she was hip
but all she seemed to talk about was weather and shit
she saw on her TV.
And believe me I’m positive
as the rest, but all this mediocre
crap just makes me depressed
and you are who you are
so be who you be
instead of some bottled up version
of what the old guard wants,
go to school, get a job
get married in a church
by a priest and, don't forget to shop!
buy a house! build your deck
with wood you bought from The Home Depot
don’t smoke pot
just drink a lot, have
two kids and watch the tube
when you get home from work
instead of actually doing things.
Fuck assimilation
be true to yourself
Fuck assimilation
be true to yourself,
Generic art and stances
only give chances to the
De-evolution, and mental pollution
of what we already come from
we stand on stolen land
and bland scapes of strip malls filled with
corporate everything,
over seas accounts,
be accountable and realize
that you come from a long line
of truth seekers,
and against the grain thinkers
that changed the world.
Fuck all this mediocre bullshit
stand on your own two
grow a pair
and call it how you see it.