Monday, May 26, 2014

Corperate Boycott

We’ve already seen the effects of World Trade and NAFTA. And now their onto the Pacific Trade Agreement that their trying to pass right now. And it’s crazy because somewhere along the way corporate profits became more important than public health and safety. And don't get it twisted this problem has a lot of other companies contributing to it other than Monsanto although they are one of the worst. Yes Monsanto the company that invented DDT, PCB’s, and Napalm which was used to destroy the jungle and so many lives in Vietnam.

What we’ve got to realize on a whole as a collective is that corporations are not our friends. Corporations are in fact our enemies. They have no interest of ours in mind. As they try to destroy our land in spite of the global climate crisis with pipelines filled with tar sands (which really is just a dirtier more ecologically damaging form of coal). As they get our children strung out and addicted to all kinds of legal prescription drugs especially Amphetamines. As they poison and taint our food and water supply with harmful chemicals and narcotics. As they manipulate the genes of our food in the name of profits and “progress” with unknown environmental and health risks for future generations to come. As they funnel our children into private prisons and strip them of their right to vote when they get out. As they try to criminalize poverty and being poor and unable to pay back small debts to big banks and multinational corporations yet the banks get bailed out with our public tax funds and see no consequences when billions of dollars turn up missing and unaccounted for. As they try to shut down free speech with ridiculous anti protest laws and militarized police to protect their corporate business interests. As they blatantly poison us with sugar (which is eight times more addictive than cocaine) and processed foods that instantly turn into sugar as our bodies try to digest them! As the government subsidizes farmers to mass produce inedible genetically modified corn to sweeten 80 percent of the food sold in grocery stores instead of allowing them to grow natural wholesome food while we import fruits and vegetables from all over the world burning useless gas and oil and exploite third world farm workers.

It’s time to say enough is enough! We need a corporate Boycott. We need a peoples embargo against those who are trying to destroy our collective future. Our children's future. Our children's children's future. And not only do we need to boycott these corporations but we also need to take much stronger action against them. We have to do it ourselves. We can't wait on someone else to do it for us, because that someone else is never going to come. We can't wait on the government to act because even if they wanted to the government is not strong enough to stand up to these corporations because the corporations have infiltrated and taken over the United States Government. Thats what happened with Obama Care. They were trying to pass a single payer health care bill just like Hillary Clinton tried to do in the 90’s. Single payer. Everyone in the whole country would have the same health care at the same price just like it is in every other industrialized nation on the planet except this one. Instead the insurance companies pushed a bill through that is nothing short of extortion! Thats what it is. And now we’re criminals if we don’t buy their insurance at exorbitant rates. If that ain’t extortion than I don't know what is. 

So we need to take action. Yes we need to boycott. We need to boycott McDonalds, and Taco Bell, and Burger King, Pizza Hut and Wendy’s which are killing us. And not only should we boycott but we should start shutting these businesses down. If they want to wage war on us, we need to wage war on them! And war is what they waged in the middle of the night on Occupy Wall St the peaceful non violent public political protest encampment in Zuccotti Park and across the country, across the globe.

We gotta study this stuff my friends, we’ve got to read. Watch Democracy Now, listen to WBAI 99.5 FM, read Adbusters, check out the Occupy Wall St. website for global revolutionary news, go see Fed Up the documentary, watch Zeitgeist, watch Gary Nulls Seeds Of Death. Read. Study. Read. Learn your history. You stand on the shoulders of those who came before you. We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us.

All those people that you look up to, all those people that changed the world in the 60’s and 70’s in the 50’s they all wrote books. And thats the disconnect that this generation has. We’re not reading them. We just want to google and wikipedia everything. We want a sound bite. Don't want to go out and take the effort to actually learn. The history is there in these peoples own words. So go back and read their books. They all wrote their own books. 

Read Martin Luther King, Read Malcolm X, read Abbie Hoffman, and Angela Davis and Che Guevara. He was more than just a picture and a fighter and a pinko commie bastard he actually wrote books that helped to shape and change the world that we live in today and thats why they killed him. Read his work, read Allen Ginsberg, and Huey P Newton, read David Gilbert, read Bernadine Dohrn and Bobby Seale, Assata Shakur, read Mark Rudd, and Leonard Peltier, John Trudell, read Bill Ayers and Dennis Banks, read Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky, and Neil Young, Bob Dylan, read David Crosby, and Graham Nash, Richie Havens, Paul Robeson, Barry Gordy. And not what other people wrote about them, read them in their own words. 

Nothing revolutionary is ever going to be handed to you it’s never going to be easy and convenient to find and it shouldn't be because they aren't going to promote something that rails against them. And it is them verses us. The corporations verses the people. So Boycott them. Rage against them. Boycott Monsanto! Fight Monsanto! But also Boycott Coca Cola, Pepsi, Kraft Foods, Nabisco, Nestle, Kellogg's, General Mills, Tyson, ConAgra, Mars, Anheuser-Busch, Exxon, Keystone, Molson, Dole, Walmart, Shell, BP, Samsung, Apple, Chevron, At&t, Bank of America, JP Morgan and Chase, Goldman Sachs, Nike, IBM, Costco, Amazon, Target, Verizon, Home Depot, and Lowes, Clear Channel and Time Warner, Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS.

Demand more from yourself, demand more from your country and fellow citizens of the world. Demand more from multinational corporations, or demand that they be dismantled and rip them apart limb by limb if you have to! Trust me their not gonna go without a fight. 

Move your money to a small local bank or credit union. Shop locally. Remember what it is to be truly alive, and realize that we’re all connected whether you like it or not. Say NO to corporations, say YES to peace and justice for us and for the planet. Say no to Monsanto, say no to the Keystone XL pipeline, and say no to mass collection of our phone and internet data. Fuck Monsanto Fuck Monsanto Fuck Monsanto! Free Edward Snowden and all other political prisoners! Steal from the rich and give it to the poor! Long live revolution! Long Live the struggle for freedom! Long live people power! and once again Fuck Monsanto!

Monday, May 12, 2014

                         Little Miss Moonachie's Alter Mind Jenny

I am what you say is a product of Digital Neuro Intercoupling
It sounds dirty doesn't?
Its a mashing of neurons and electronic impulses translated into movements.
It sounds crazy....
It sounds far fetched
Its exactly what created me
She's going to try and remove me
She has no idea who she's dealing with
I am going to take over her mind and then I will become her
Good bye Little Miss Moonachie!