Sunday, March 9, 2014

**** Shame on the Species ****

Shame on the species who seeks to conquer and control others
     and confine them like cattle in ideological camps
     with little room for alternative options of autonomy

Shame on the species who has lost touch with creation
     and then fetters itself to unnatural coercive treadmills
     of deadly imbalanced consumption

Shame on the species that sees itself superior
     and draws imaginary lines and boundaries
     to protect and hoard what nature has given to all

Shame on the species that declares war on itself
     and sends the unthinking young
     to kill or die for unquestioned political agendas

Shame on the species that allows great wealth for the few
     and keeps the majority hungry for hidden scraps
     amid an abundance sufficient for all

Shame on the species that abhors all natural functions
     and feels guilt or fear when healthy wild impulses arise

Shame on the species that can hate any number of people
     and yet can find plural love or intimacy immoral

Shame on the species that is blindly patriotic to corrupt authorities
     yet lack loyalty to reason, truth, justice and love

Shame on the species whose prime goal is profit or money
     and enslaves itself to a cesspool of self-created pollution
     so future innocent generations will suffer

Shame on the species that invents religious dogma
     and distrusts its own direct holy experience
     dividing our spirits into  pulpits of ignorance

Shame on the species that labels itself Homosapien
     and then forgets to behave like a 'Wise Man'
     and not live up to his name


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