"Freedom is overrated."
-- Me to a nursery owner who
mocked me as I walked behind Diane
carrying pots of flowers years ago.
so i stumble upon this site, after
a long time away, the site with donald
and the young poets, and now evan!
great to see you here, evan.
the night is long as always for me.
living alone is a very lousy thing.
me and the cat, that's it.
how it came to this, i have no idea.
but i lie when i say this.
i do have an idea.
only it's not an idea i want to talk
so the heat comes up, a roar
through the steel grates in the floor.
this and the narrow light above
this desk, these are what i have now.
but i dare not complain.
i have my friend in angola to remind
me of the alternative, or one alternative
for those who didn't stay within the
narrow lines.
i am here, free. alive. warm. fed.
and i have now found you again.
Thanks Rich, I am glad to be here with you and Donald and the heat the comes up through the steel grates in the floor. The sound minutes later from the mad boiler, startles me, it sounds like a team is ready to launch upon this small space where we talk. We are free to talk, to think and to glaze at the books and images of a life of a father, a poet, a real friend.