Monday, January 27, 2014

Spontaneous Prose

Confusions awkward momentary
lapses of conversation. Anxiety anger
mongering on the for front of your mind
I take four breaths and
rewind the situation, remind my self
that false is the sense of time
I wish I could exist without
all of this,
and I can in the woods
but where would you be?
who would I see?
this poverty is riding me and
madness surrounds the hour
with our reactions and I miss
flowers and bees and the
first signs of spring
I write cuz I can’t take
the night when I’m sleeping alone
I write because I can’t stand the 
fight when theres no where to go
I write because Allen Ginsberg pointed 
me to Whitman, to Pound, to W.C. Williams
LeRoi Jones, Henry David Thoreau
I write because Rich Quatrone  told me
I have to keep writing 
I write because The Dissenters
saxophone notes and lyrical quotes 
gave me direction and hope
when I was just fourteen,
I write because other people that have
written in the past have inspired 
me to be a better person,
I write because children in the future
will need inspiration to become better
people. To love more, to give more,
to care more about it all.
I write because bombs are going off
every single day
I write because rich people have 
million dollar yachts and poor people
have to decide whether their gonna buy
diapers or food or soap or their pills
I write because I have a lot on my mind
I write because I fear death
I write because everyone I’ve ever
known is gonna die
I write because no one else 
tells my story in this sea full
of stories,
I write because spiritual seekers
are creating the new world in their
I write because the ancestral   
winds bless this rhythm.
My body the instrument 
universal beat these words
I write to reach the future,
make love with the past
I write to capture love
to know that it will last
I write just to write
to not think to fast
I write to excite 

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